070 Number Costs

Set Up an 070 Number

It is FREE to keep your number private by masking it with an 070 number. Please click here to set it up.

  Become a Service Provider

To become a service provider click here to apply with 070numbers.com. A representative will then be in touch to help you set up an account with us.

  Costs to the Caller

From 1 October 2019, calls to 070 numbers cost no more than calls to a normal UK mobile. Callers are encouraged to confirm with their mobile operator the charge for calling an 070 number. Mobile operators are obliged to make their call charges readily available to their customers.

 Who owns 070 Numbers?

Ofcom issues these numbers to networks in the UK in blocks of 100k or 10k. To find out who owns a particular 070 number please click here and enter the number to find which network it has been assigned to.

  Who Regulates 070 Numbers?

In the UK, it is Ofcom that regulates Personal Numbers. The Phone-paid Services Authority (PSA) only regulates numbers in situations where they are found to offer a premium rate style service and/or there is misuse evidence.

Service Providers

Services Providers 070 Numbers
We offer our 070 number service providers the best facilities with the highest payout rates. Open a free account today

End User

End Users 070 Numbers
You can mask your mobile or landline number with an 070 number within minutes, and for free!